Monday, July 30, 2012

All things tomato

I say all things tomato right now. Now that the heat is on, they are coming in strong. Wish I had a garden of my own dedicated to the heirlooms, but, alas, I don't. I rely on Fisher Farms, a little farmstand along 120 eastbound just a few miles past Jack Tone Rd. They have an entire barn filled with bins on every type of tomato you can think of...just ask to go back there.

Juicy, sweet as candy yellow ones, little green gems, brandywines, BIG beefsteaks for the best BLT , on and on. Basically it is tomato heaven.

We just had the Best BLT aka BBLT. Big fat slices of juicy ripe tomato, applewood bacon (extra thick slices) sweet white onion, avocado and arugula; all held together with mayo, (best foods, of course) on chewy thick slices of toasted sourdough rye bread. That is key, the bread. It has to be thick and dense enough to stand up to the juicy tomatoes, and no trace of sweetness. I highly recommend this while catching the exciting Olympic action!!

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